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Update: Autumn 2016

Sweet summertime is coming to an end, and with fall just around the corner, this is probably the first time in over a month I’ve gone without publishing anything so I thought I would post a quick update. Lately, I’ve just been busy living life- learning new things as a more experienced nurse, planning ahead for my trip to Africa and upcoming wedding-related festivities, and enjoying my time for fun and relaxation like I did this past weekend at the cabins in Blue Ridge Mountains, Georgia. One of my fiance’s best friends proposed to his girlfriend during a hike near a beautiful waterfall, over a weekend of hearty food, good company, light melodies and outdoor hot tubs overlooking the picturesque landscape. I even found the time to practice my meditation; it was in those rare moments of pure bliss that I felt renewed hope and comfort in the fact that no matter how bad things may seem, they always get better. 

Ever since I had those realizations on this year’s Night of Power, life has not become any easier or less stressful. I have worked hard every day to apply those lessons to my daily life, being that happiness is in the journey. I am only human and nowhere near perfect, so I have to admit I have struggled quite a bit with the deeper transition into who I really am. Although this led to temporary unwarranted stress on my body, my relationships, and my productivity level, I have come out the other side stronger and happier than ever before. I also came to several realizations, including the necessity of regularity in my religious practice that guides my outward lifestyle, and the importance of focusing on the positive of the few things that truly matter, living in the moment with acceptance, and laughing at life through all its challenges because truly, none of those things lasts forever. I will continue to keep you all updated with life’s next adventures, but for now things are at a good place and for that I am thankful.

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