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Eurotrip’11 Reflections

Eurotrip 2011: PART 2
(Written in spring 2011, during study abroad trip in France)
I have written about my experience in Europe in my journal day by day, but I feel it necessary to include what I am about to say right now in this blog because it is essential to my growth as a human being and who I am as a person. The most important thing to note about this trip is how I am growing as a person and really expanding my horizons. Not only am I intensifying all that I already am, but I am learning and doing and experiencing new things as well. I am beginning to gain skills, knowledge, and interest in things like politics/government/current global issues/social studies/history/human rights/etc, cooking, art, animals, cars, directions, and even poker, and opening my eyes to new art, literature, and common trivia and games and wines, lol.

Perhaps my favorite, I am expanding my music. I am starting to listen to older songs, and country music, and continuing to expand my musical horizons, and that excites me more than anything.

I am learning to appreciate the smaller things in life and increasing interest in my own specialties, while simultaneously learning to appreciate the finer things and life and gain an appreciation for things I never before gave a second thought to. I am meeting so many new people, trying new things, going to new places, and my creativity and language itself is at a level much higher than it has ever been before.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m growing and maturing at the same time as I’m getting crazier and more outgoing and immature, and it’s one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced in this life; I can’t wait to take this all with me and carry it and pass it on slowly and over time. I realize that all I was before was very small, and my mind has never been as open as it is at this very moment, and it keeps growing and expanding all the time here, and I love that. It’s overwhelming how much I am changing and growing in this short amount of time, and exciting that I will continue to do so over time, and so I just thought this was most definitely worth mentioning, that’s all.
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